How to move to Tokyo from Narita airport

Transportation from Narita airport (TOKYO/CHIBA) to Tokyo


There are mainly two ways below to go to Tokyo from Narita airport.

  1.  Train
  2.  Taxi


General buses have steps, thus wheelchairs are not acceptable. I do not recommend you use the bus to move from the airport to other places. (You can use buses while you are in the wheelchair to move between the terminals at the airport. ) If you use folding wheelchairs, tit can be load in the bus.

Reference about the bus is below.

Airport Limousine 

1. Train

There are five ways to move from Narita airport to Tokyo by the train.

  • Keisei Skyliner (京成スカイライナー)
  • Keisei Access Express (京成アクセス特急)
  • Keisei Main Line(京成快速特急・特急(京成本線))
  • JR Narita express (JR成田エクスプレス)
  • JR Line (JR快速エアポート成田(JR線))


The recommended the kinds of trains is the following :

  • JR Narita Express
  • Keisei Skylier

That is because those trains install the seats for wheelchairs.

Advance booking can be done at JR office or calling. If the season you come is not so busy, buying the ticket at the station office is recommended.

For the other trains they may not install the area for wheelchair.

In the case, the way of getting on those trains are the same as other general trains. Regarding the way of getting on the trains, please see Transportation in Japan -train-.

                           keisei skyliner and JR Narita Express

※ You can search for the route to the your destination using Narita Airport Access Navigation

2. Taxi

You can a book accessible taxi at Narita airport or T-Nacts, website.

In terms of taxi, please see Transportation in Japan – taxi – .


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One response to “How to move to Tokyo from Narita airport”

  1. […] Regarding the way of getting on the train, please refer to How to move to Tokyo from Narita airport. […]

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