There are various accessible hotels in Japan since the number of seniors in Japan has been increasing year by year. Hotels in Japan are clean and hospitable, thus you could like them.
Additionally, a low related to accessibility has recently been introduced, so that hotels having certain capacity must have rooms that meet the standard Japan has established.
e.g. Rooms and hallways that some certain hotels have to install.
Nevertheless, tourists coming from other countries could be hard to find suitable hotels.
For the reason is below.
1. Websites that can look for accessible hotels are in Japanese
It is an example website. These are very useful, but all information is Japanese.
Rurubu travel by JTB (るるぶトラベル)
2. Some hotels are not accessible even though they advertise that their hotels are accessible
For instance, those hotels have steps at the entrance and bathroom, hallways are narrow and so on. Therefore, you need to contact the hotels before you book the rooms.
Website to look for Accessible hotels in English
The following websites show some accessible hotels in English as well as Japanese.
Japan accessible tourism center
barrier-free hotel information
If you are in trouble to book the hotels, please contact us.
We can help you book the hotels; nonetheless, we cannot book the hotels instead of you, which is required by Japanese law.
Still we can help you book the hotels, thus feel free to contact us.
Some hotels can rent or lend wheelchairs, shower chairs (chairs that is used while taking the shower) or hoist. I also help you to rent/lend them.